Transiliot Project
Research in innovative technologies of flexible functional electronics, nanomaterials, and optical inspection on transparent substrates

The TRANSILIOT project aims to investigate new technological solutions in flexible microelectronics. We seek to develop a new generation of conductive inks for functional and flexible films for the front of the vehicle. We use cutting-edge industrial technologies throughout the process.
TRANSILIOT constitutes a comprehensive, transversal, and interconnected project that adds research value to its technological proposals, presenting contents of notable innovation and disruption and a focus on strengthening the capacity for microelectronics generation across its entire processing chain as a common denominator throughout the project.
Boosting national competitiveness and strengthening R&D&I in cutting-edge microelectronics is the mission of the TRANSILIOT project.
In a global context of semiconductor dependence, this comprehensive project seeks to strengthen the capacity for microelectronics generation. With the collaboration of leading companies and recognized research organizations, we offer innovative technological proposals and a disruptive approach to strengthen this key area of research and development.
The technical objectives of TRANSILIOT include flexibility, aggregation, efficiency, safety, and reliability.

In our commitment to the environment, we address several key areas:
- Mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
- Sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources.
- Circular economy, including waste prevention and recycling.
- Prevention and control of pollution in the atmosphere, water, and soil.
- Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.
Our project focuses on application efficiency, the use of less polluting materials, and waste reduction, thereby contributing to the development of improvements to increase the efficiency and safety of the autonomous vehicle. This is particularly significant in the automotive sector by reducing energy consumption during vehicle operation.
Additionally, we use materials with a long lifespan and reusable components, promoting a sustainable circular economy. Our proposed solution is designed to have long durability and a second life at the end of its original useful cycle, reflecting our commitment to environmental improvement.

The advancement of the autonomous vehicle, closely linked to efficient driving, represents one of the most impactful aspects of our project for society. Safety concerns associated with vehicles remain a challenge for the European Union and the acceptance of the autonomous vehicles.

The TRANSILIOT project contributes to the development of technologies that address the limitations of current systems.

Project supported by leading companies

MSTECH EUROPE is a leading company in the development of equipment and machinery for backend processes in electronics manufacturing. It offers a range of products that include PCBA handling equipment, depaneling systems, board cleaning systems, protective coating systems, curing equipment, vision inspection systems, automatic unloading systems, and a process traceability software solution.
is a research and development company focused on nanomaterials, based on the novel technological platform of Metallic Molecules (M-M or AQCs of Atomic Quantum Clusters), a form of subnanometric particle that can be considered a “metallic molecule” composed of only a few atoms with unique size and properties that vary depending on the number and arrangement of atoms.

ACCENT SYSTEMS is dedicated to the development of technological solutions in areas of artificial intelligence, electronics, and geolocation systems. They specialize in intelligent IoT devices with geolocation and live sensors, virtual solutions, and easy-to-use APIs. Known for pioneering the development of NB-IoT and LTE-M technologies, they are also world leaders in the production of iBeacon and Eddystone beacons.
MAIER is dedicated to the research, development, and manufacture of components for the automotive sector. Considered one of the most important companies in Spain in the field of transformation and decoration of plastic components for the automotive sector, it is strongly committed to innovation and the application of new technologies within its sector.


This project is financially supported by CDTI and is part of the Science and Innovation Missions Program related to the microelectronics and semiconductors PERTE. It is part of the State Program to Catalyze Business Innovation and Leadership within the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023, within the context of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.

Visit of Monitoring Technician of the Transiliot project
First presential meeting of the TRANSILIOT Project: A step forward into the future

Carrer de la Masia en Notari, 4.
08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú. Barcelona. Spain. -
Monday to Thursday: 08:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 08:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. -
- +34 93 56 64 019